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Board of Directors

Renata Barros presidente, foto

Renata Correa de Barros


Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  in 2004. Has a multidisciplinary residency in Public Health from the School of Public Health of Rio Grande do Sul (ESP/RS) in 2007. Specialization in Public Health through the agreement ESP/RS and the National School of Public Health, in 2009. Master's degree in Primary Care to Health from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2017. Always working in the Family Health Strategy, I had a practice divided between assistance and teaching. In these 16 years of Primary Care, I maintained links with Universities and Residency Programs, acting as a preceptor for nursing, undergraduate nursing, nutrition and medicine programs. I also worked as a teacher, being a guest professor in some of these fields.

Fatima Virgina, Diretora de Relações de Trabalho de Nível Superior

Fátima Virgínia S. de Menezes Silva

Director of Professional and Labor Relations - Higher Education

Nurse with Master's Degree in Professional Education in Health - EPSJV/FIOCRUZ (2013); Specialization Lines of Care in Nursing: Psychosocial Care - UFSC (2014); Specialization in Health Services and Systems - UNICAMP (2009), Specialization in Professional Education in the health area: Nursing - ENSP (2005), Specialization in Public Health - UGF (2004), Specialization in Medical and Psychosomatic Psychology - UNESA (2003) , Specialization in nursing in Health Promotion - UFF (1999). Consultant in Brief Interpersonal Intervention and Facilitator of the Interpersonal Counseling Course in partnership with Columbia University. NY/EUA/IPUB/UFRJ/LIPAPS/FAPESP/SMS-Itaboraí; Community Therapist and Sacred Circular Dance Focuser. They make up the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Association of Family and Community Nursing ABEFACO (management from 2016 to 2020), as executive director and Member of the Technical Chamber of Primary Care /COFEN. I currently work as an Articulator in the Qualification Project of RAPS / UERJ - Superintendence of Psychosocial Care and Populations in Vulnerable Situations / SES / RJ.

Rogerio Bittencourt vice presidente

Rogério Bittencourt de Miranda

Vice president

Nurse, graduated from UERJ in 1995, Master in Family Health from UNESA 2011, PhD in Nursing from UERJ, in progress. Employee of the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro since August 1999, having worked with primary care from the beginning and specifically with the Family Health Strategy, in all years of being in the municipality. He was a team nurse, member of the strategy's Technical Support Group, Expansion Manager of the family health strategy, director of the Marcolino Candau Municipal Health Center, Director of the Health Actions and Programs Division of an area of the city, Advisor to the Area Coordination and immediate replacement for the Coordinator, currently serving as director of the Municipal Health Center Ernesto Zeferino Tibau Jr. He was a professor of subjects in specialization courses in family health and collective health. Member of the Collegiate Board of the Popular Education and Health Network.

Isabella Koster, diretora de pesquisa

Isabella Koster

Scientific Director

Nurse (UFF – 1995). PhD in Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz – 2019). Master in Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz – 2008). Collaborating researcher at the Center for Studies in Human Resources in Health (NERHUS/ENSP/Fiocruz). Coordinator of the scientific dissemination nucleus of the Public Policies and Management and Health Care Models Program (PMA) of the Vice-Presidency of Research and Biological Collections at Fiocruz (VPPCB/Fiocruz).

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Laís Pimenta R. dos Santos

Director of Professional Education 

Nurse (UFRJ-2011) and Master in Primary Health Care (UFRJ-2017). PhD student in Public Health at the National School of Public Health (ENSP/Fiocruz) and studying Health Economics and Management (FSP/USP). She has worked at PHC since 2011, with experience in assistance, teaching, management and professional education in different Federation Units. She was preceptor of the Multidisciplinary Residency programs in Family Health ENSP/Fiocruz (2012-2013), Residency in Family and Community Nursing at the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro (2015-2016), Nursing Residency in Public Health at UFF ( 2020), from the Technical Course for Community Health Agents at EPSJV/Fiocruz (2012-2013) and nurse at the Family Health Strategy in São Paulo (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, 2016-2018). From 2018 to 2020 she lived in Dublin, Ireland, to develop communication in the English language, where she worked as a caregiver for people in vulnerable situations. Experience as PHC Coordinator in supplementary health implementing Primary Care services for a new health operator (Leve Saúde-2021). More recently, she was a facilitator of  Health Care Planning for the Health Regions (CONASS Project) for Bahia and Maranhão (2021-2023), carrying out qualification workshops for Primary Care, integration into Health Care Networks and supporting public management . She is currently carrying out research in the Fiocruz/Copenhagen Trial Unit sandwich doctorate with the Southern University of Denmark (Syddansk Universitet) studying inequalities and cardiovascular mortality.

Isadora Siqueira, diretora de comunicação e eventos

Isadora Siqueira de Souza

Communications and Events Director

Master in Nursing PPGENF/UERJ, Specialist in Public Health ENSP/FIOCRUZ, Specialist in Family Health Management UERJ, Specialist in Activating Change Processes in Higher Education in Health - ENSP/FIOCRUZ. Currently Deputy Coordinator of the SMSRio Family and Community Nursing Residency Program.

Lucelia dos santos, diretora de ensino

Lucelia dos Santos Silva

Director of Teaching in Family and Community Nursing

Graduated in Nursing from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/2010). PhD student in Public Health (ENSP/FIOCRUZ/2019), specialization in Nursing in Primary Care with an Emphasis on Clinical Practice (Instituto Albert Sabin/SP/2019). Master in Cardiovascular Sciences, from the UFF Faculty of Medicine (2018), Specialist in Public Health Management (UFF/2012). Currently works in Primary Care in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, responsible for the Family Health Nursing Residency Programs in partnership with UERJ and UFRJ and Coordinates the Family and Community Nursing Residency Program of the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro ; She has experience in the nursing area, with an emphasis on Primary Health Care, Family Health Strategy, Digital Health Innovation and Telehealth, Critical Care and Emergency. Specialist in Critical Care (UFF/2015) and Cardiology and Hemodynamics (Instituto Albert Einstein-SP/2015). She is a member of the group of supporters designated by the Federal Nursing Council (COFEN) for the implementation of the Development of Nursing Protocols in Primary Care in the states of Brazil.

Carolina Krieger, secretária geral

Carolina Santana Krieger

General secretary

Nurse graduated from the School of Nursing at the University of São Paulo, specialist in Family and Community Health, in the Multiprofessional Residency modality from the Federal University of São Carlos, Master and Doctor in Sciences from the University of São Paulo. He is currently a Government Programs Specialist in the Technical Support Area for Primary Care and Assistance Networks at Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein Hospital; Member of the National Commission for Advanced Nursing Practices of the Federal Nursing Council - COFEN; Member of the Network of Advanced Nursing Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean; He develops teaching activities at the Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein, being Advisor of the Professional Master's Program in Nursing and coordinator of the specialization course at this institution. Has experience in teaching, assistance, management and continuing education in the context of Primary Health Care and the Family Health Strategy.

Thays Conti, diretora financeira

Thays Conti de Souza Oliveira

Chief Financial Officer

Nurse Specialist in Family Health Management; Family Health Strategy Manager

Zilda Santos, Diretora de relações profissionais de nível técnico

Zilda Santos

Director of Professional and Labor Relations - Technical education

Nursing Technician, active for years in providing assistance in Primary Health Care in Rio de Janeiro and was the creator of a system for transferring human milk from donors in the city of Rio de Janeiro to pediatric ICUs, being recognized nationally and internationally (COFEN and Nursing Now). She is the supervisor of the Breastfeeding Friendly Basic Unit Initiative (IUBAAM) in Rio de Janeiro and supports the certification of several Primary Health Care units. She is a representative member of ABEFACO on the Committee and acting president of the Committee for the prevention of Maternal Mortality in Rio de Janeiro. Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and works in the Primary Care Coordination of the same municipality as a Technical Breastfeeding Advisor, training professionals in breastfeeding and human milk donation.

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